The Tangle: Episode 3

A theme that’s been coming up with our clients a lot lately has been assessing and juggling priorities. It’s been showing up for us, too. How do you make sure you’re tackling your big rocks at work, when there’s so many tiny stones that keep appearing and distracting you (we’re looking at you, never-ending inbox!). Even if you block off your calendar, are you holding yourself accountable to those time blocks? What about balancing the priorities that seem to compete with work? Family, wellness, sleep? 

If you haven’t heard or seen her around town, one of our co-founders, Sarah, has a new family member on the way () and the juggle (and struggle) is real. This work is hard when you’re trying to hold a million pieces at once, and especially when there are things happening at home that are pulling you in different directions. Sometimes you simply need to put things down. Sometimes you need to ask for help. Sometimes you need to re-jig how you’re tackling things. 

Here’s a few things we’ve implemented over here at CT to help us improve our juggle:

  • More frequent founder check-ins 

  • Frequently checking in with our team about capacity

  • Offering help where we can, and asking for help when we need it 

  • Reminding ourselves that we only have one 100% to give (and getting increasingly strategic about what we give that 100% to) 

We’re getting there, but it’s always a work in progress. What’s been working for you and your team? How can you get more intentional about how you divide your time?

P.S. In our last newsletter we linked to our Assessing Priorities tool in our CT Toolbox. It’s definitely relevant here—check it out if you didn’t last time!

Community Kudos

With International Women’s Day just around the corner, we thought we’d highlight a couple of the awesome women-identifying founders (and founded organizations) that we know and love. 


Have you checked out the cool leadership work that Pebble is up to? Founded by Brigitte Legault, Alicia Wight, and Meghan Donohoe, they’re working hard to shift mindsets and approach leadership in a new way. 


Our friends at Toast are doing great things for women in tech, and are also hosting an International Women's Day event in Calgary on Friday, March 8th. Snag a spot before they sell out! 

Save the Date

Thriving Minds: Empowering Innovators Session 6

March 21st, 2024 | 12:00pm-2:00pm


Our final session of the Thriving Minds series is happening this month! Save the date for Thursday, March 21st from 12:00pm-2:00pm online. This month you can join our co-founder, Keara, and friends at Peer Guidance, to talk about having challenging conversations with colleagues, co-founders, and team members at work. Register here! 

Did You Read?  

Rainforest Scorecard Report

Our friends at Rainforest Alberta released the 2023 Pan Provincial Scorecard Results this past month. The annual scorecard measurement aims to bring awareness to, and an understanding of ecosystem issues, and to help create a dialogue about the culture of our ecosystem. Check it out here! (P.S. It is a large document, so stay patient while it loads). 

Grow the Tangle! 

 Know a founder who could use a gentle nudge to think differently about their mental health? Or have a friend or colleague who might be interested in learning more? Forward this to them! Help us grow our Tangled Community, so we can have a bigger impact, faster. Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn, too.

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Get in touch

Thanks for joining our journey to improve the well-being of entrepreneurs in our community! Together, we’re changing the narrative on what it means to be a successful entrepreneur (hint: mental health matters).


Want to learn more or have thoughts on ways we can work together? Let’s chat! 


Until next time,


The CT Team


VMSA: Conscientious Coaching


Introducing: The Tangle E1