The Tangle: Episode 6

We’ve had a big exciting change here at Collectively Tangled. Sarah has welcomed the newest (and cutest) member to our CT team! The onboarding process will take a few months, so she’s taking some time to show the new kid the ropes on this whole human thing. 

Being founders, life and work are connected in lots of awesome, and challenging ways. So how do we navigate big life transitions as co-founders? 

Make space for things to be both exciting and hard.

Celebrate with each other! Be excited for these big milestones! 

Also know it’s ok for it to be stressful, overwhelming, and all other kinds of emotions. Some of the biggest stressors in life are moving, marriages, and babies. Add running a business into the mix, and of course, there’s going to be a complicated mix of feelings. Don’t be hard on yourself for having a human reaction. 

Talk about it. Name how you’re feeling, and be clear on what you need.

And then talk about it some more. Having open communication is really important for co-founders. Especially during transitions.

Set Realistic (and clear) Expectations.

Being clear is kind. Make sure you’re both on the same page about priorities and what you can expect from each other. Transitions often shake up previously set expectations, so don’t make any assumptions. Be really clear and concrete with each other. 

Connect with supports ahead of time. 

Connecting with a neutral 3rd party to help you navigate transitions can be immensely helpful. Making those connections when you’re in the thick of things can be hard though. We encourage people to make connections before things get tough. That way you have a relationship with someone you trust, know exactly how to connect with them, and have gotten some support and tools ahead of time. 

In a period of transition? You’re not alone. We’re right there with you. Here’s to the wins, challenges, and celebrations of [founder] life. 

Did you read?

The University of Calgary highlighted the work Collectively Tangled is doing to challenge the stigma of mental health in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, and our journey of becoming founders. 

Check it out here!

Save the date

 Building Resilience: Stress and Entrepreneurship

April 16, 2024 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

ATB Entrepreneur Centre

Look out for Keara as she gives a talk about Building Resilience: Stress and Entrepreneurship. Come explore ways to better understand your experiences of stress as an entrepreneur, and ways you can better manage it. 

Register Here

Building Resilience as an Entrepreneur

April 19, 2024 | 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Intrinsic Innovations

This week, Keara will also be speaking at Intrinsic Innovations.  Building Resilience as an Entrepreneur: Explore resilience in startups, tackle mental health challenges, and chart a successful path.  This event is designed to address unique challenges faced by Entrepreneurs head-on, fostering a conversation about mental health, resilience, and sustainable success in the innovation sector.

Register Here



New and Notable   

Armed to Innovate: Level 1

We’re still riding the high of launching The Knot Lab!

Armed to Innovate is the first course available, and for good reason.  It gives you tangible skills and strategies for better coping with stress in your entrepreneurial journey. We know you're busy, so do it on your time, on your schedule, and at your pace.

Here’s how you can use Armed to Innovate to support you and your business:

  • Prioritize your own development by completing Armed to Innovate. Lead by example and show you know the importance of leaders walking the talk.

  • Complete Armed to Innovate as co-founders and support personal and relationship resilience. 

  • Strengthen your team by integrating skill development and training. Use it as an opportunity to enhance team dynamics while everyone is learning alongside one another. 

  • Make it part of your onboarding process and make sure people have the skills from the get-go when they join your team. 

Grow the Tangle! 

 Know a founder who could use a gentle nudge to think differently about their mental health? Or have a friend or colleague who might be interested in learning more? Forward this to them! Help us grow our Tangled Community, so we can have a bigger impact, faster. Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn, too.

Sign-up for our newsletter

Book a counselling appointment

Get in touch

Thanks for joining our journey to improve the well-being of entrepreneurs in our community! Together, we’re changing the narrative on what it means to be a successful entrepreneur (hint: mental health matters).

Want to learn more or have thoughts on ways we can work together? Let’s chat! 

Until next time,

The CT Team


The Tangle: Episode 7


Stress Awareness Month: An Opportunity for Reflection